Children’s room posters
Are you looking for the right poster for the children’s room? At Ciha we have a selection of our own posters. They are hand drawn by illustrator Lea Letén, who has then scanned the drawing to her computer where she put the final touch on the beautiful posters.
Posters for children can be both decorative and educational. With our selection of children’s posters, we have the choice of combining the two, which has resulted in posters that encourage dialogue between adults and children. Posters that creates curiosity in the child, who wants to know more about the small animals on the poster or where in the world children come from and how they live.
Large posters for children
Our posters are large and measure 50 x 70 cm. This size is very good, because your posters has many small details. For example, the small crawling animals or the poster with children, which also has many details in facial expressions and clothes.
A good learning environment for children
Our posters at Ciha are unisex and can be used in both boys’ and girls’ rooms. Even my 8-year-old daughter is very fascinated by the solar system and she therefore has this poster in her room.
All our posters have in common that they encourage dialogue and learning. Many posters has text and is available in several languages. It is important, from an early age, to be exposed to letters and text in as many places as possible in the Childs everyday life. This helps to stimulate the future desire to read.
Children like me
Our best-selling poster is the one with children from all over the world, we have named it “Children like me”.
Because no matter where in the world we are, there are children like me. We look different, live differently and wear different clothes. But they are also children, like me. It is a wonderful way to teach children that we are all equal and should treat each other with respect, love and an open mind to learn from each other.
Our Ciha posters, which measure 50 x 70 cm, have a fixed low price. All posters are available in Danish, German and Norwegian.