Learning through play and reading

Play is a child’s first language. At Ciha, we believe that learning through play is the key to a happy childhood.


“CIHA isn’t just toys. We give all parents and caregivers the opportunity to experience how meaningful it is to be aware of language and see it develop. And how much it improves when we are able to play with children in an educational way that strengthens multiple life skills. Language, and being able to communicate with the world around us, is the foundation for learning and being happy.

Mother, blogger, and owner of CIHA

Since we became first-time parents in 2014 to two deaf girls, our family life went in a totally different direction than we had expected. We had imagined singing our newborn babies to sleep, a living room full of noisy toys, and lots of useless gadgets; a massive assortment of items that adults don’t quite understand. But then play took on a whole new meaning in our everyday lives. Toys became a necessary tool and a method for motivation in the language training of our girls.

With the help of intense language training based on the AVT method, we gave Alberte and Ella a language that they could use to express themselves. The entry point for this was play. Because children play. And children want to communicate.

We found out how important our role was in our children’s development and their ability to achieve what they want to in life. We realised that children can do much more than we think they can. Our girls needed extra help to speak at the average level for their age. For the girls it was just a game, but there was in fact hidden language training taking place, and today they have a bigger vocabulary than children of the same age. Read the whole story here.

This was how the Ciha play universe began.


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