Learn the clock with the Ciha watch in wood.
Time is a strange and complex concept for children, and with this clock you can talk together about hours, minutes and times, and how time is displayed on both the analogue and the digital clock.
The movable hands and wooden pieces, which are used to form the digital times, enable the child to work with time physically and visually, e.g. “What does 2 o’clock look like?”
When the child has a greater understanding of the clock’s structure and various times, you can give each other tasks. Eg. you can set the analog clock on a time, and then the partner must set the same time with the wooden pieces on the digital clock, or vice versa.
A watch also contains a lot of math!
For the youngest children, the numbers 1-12 can be a great way to start talking about numbers, because everyone knows a clock, and generally time and time take up a lot of space in our everyday lives, e.g. “When does soccer start? When will I be picked up in Kindergarden?, When are we going to …?”
For the older children, it is obvious to talk about and practice the 5-table in connection with conversations about the clock and mathematics.